A massive announcement…….

Hey lovely people, how are you?

For some time now I have had a little voice in the back of my mind that keeps getting louder. It has been telling me I need to talk more about mental health. Thoughts of all the places I feel I could help and how what I have to say might matter to people who are suffering have begun to fill my brain and its now got to a Jumanji like drumming that won’t leave me alone.

For sometime I have thought who am I to stand up and ask people to listen to me? Why would anyone want to and what have I got to offer that countless other people out there aren’t already offering. The answer I now realise is me. I can offer me. I can offer someone who deals with depression, anxiety and self esteem issues. I can offer someone who has tried pretty much every therapy both traditional and complimentary and can give honest and frank opinions about how each one has helped me and I am also someone who has over many years written down every nugget of information or skill that I have taken from each and every one of those therapies to help me maintain and improve my mental wellbeing on a daily basis.

I want people to talk and hear more about mental health and feel like they have a safe space to do so. I want to promote the fact that if you are suffering it’s not just the GP you can got to for help and sometimes you may not feel like you need the GP just yet. You just need some time to listen and some ideas of how things can work better for you.

So with a little help from some friends I’m setting up ‘Talking about Mental Health’ regular sessions where we can do just that. A space where it’s safe, you can listen, you can share (but only if you want to) and you can come away with tools to help YOU on a daily basis. I am not a therapist and can not offer any kind of medical advice but I am a Time to Change Campaign Champion and will offer signposting at every session.

I can’t wave a magic wand, I really wish I could (would have been so helpful in my own life) but I want to help. I want this to be Weight-watchers for well-being which is ironic as knowing me there will be cake! A regular session you can attend when you need to that can help you. Somewhere where there will always be a smiling face and someone who knows what utter crap mental health issues can cause in a persons life.

The incredibly lovely Vanessa and Jo from Farm Work Play on Monkshill Farm have offered me their amazing space on a Saturday once a month to do just this. Starting on the 19th of January 2019 in the middle of what is often the hardest most bleak month for many of us. I would love for this to grow as I feel it is my calling so this first step is to me a massive thing and I have been desperate to share my vision with you.

You can book tickets here (to give me an idea of numbers) but if you haven’t booked and feel on the day you need to be there then please don’t worry. I won’t turn anyone away. All I ask is that you bring yourselves, a notebook and some coins towards the cost of tea, coffee and cake.

You can also find out more on the new Facebook page called @talkingaboutmh I have created an event here that also links to the ticket site if that’s easier for you.

There is free parking onsite and the farm is so lovely it’s the perfect space to talk about our mental health.

Please share and support this new venture. It would mean the world to me.

Lucy xxx

Author: TiredfromWhitstable

I'm Lucy, a 32 year old working mother and wife from Whitstable in Kent. This blog is for all my musings on life and follows my eternal struggle to juggle everything from being a mum, a volunteer youth mentor, a wife and making a lovely home and garden. Please join me!

11 thoughts on “A massive announcement…….”

  1. Dear Lucy, Well done, amazing job, I will not be able to attend ( distance) but I will be there in spirit and will support you wherever possible.Tammy

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  2. Hi Lucy, thank you coming up with this idea. I’ve booked my place for January. It will be good to have somewhere to go to talk things through with like-minded people. Looking forward to meeting you then. 🙂 xx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Lucy,
    This is Fantastic news!!
    I’m so happy for you that you’ve finally been able to set your dream in motion.
    I’m sure you will help so many people with your knowledge and experience (and humour!).
    Well done Lovely ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

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